Use what you already have.
The industry coined term BYOB (Bring Your Own Device) refers to the increasing availability of technology that allows you to communicate in real time and customers like nothing more than having up to the second information and updates. Utilising your drivers existing mobile phone handsets to provide positive or failed proof of delivery via SMS is a great low cost solution to getting the real time data clients are after. As many network tariffs include a bundle or even unlimited texts, make sure your software suppliers provides a standard rate number for drivers to text in on, so you are not paying extra for these text. Or if the client needs require more than just a positive proof of delivery, then there are many Android apps emerging, which will run on existing Android based smartphones.
Get ahead in the Cloud.
Cloud or remotely hosted software systems have revolutionised IT for the logistics industry. If implementing a system for your operation has always been on the wish list, but the hefty price tags have put you off, then it’s time to revisit. Cloud based system are easy and quick to implement, require little or no upfront costs and because you are in effect sharing the cost of resource and technology, you get a top spec system that would otherwise be way out of your price range. Low monthly ongoing subscriptions costs mean you could completely transform your business for a few hundred quid a month.
All in one.
If you offer both Warehouse and Distribution services, then the thought of having to buy and use two separate systems can seem both costly and time consuming. The answer is to find a software suite that offers both warehouse and transport management functions in the same application. A good fully integrated system will not only save you the time in double entry from warehouse orders to transport jobs, but will be a lot more cost effective than paying for two systems. Another tip is to look at the add-on options available for the application to ensure you are future proofing yourself should your business go in a different direction. It is a lot cheaper to bolt on extras from an existing supplier than it is to source an whole new system.
Embrace Android.
Windows has dominated industry standard devices for far too long with inflexible and clunky operating systems. So it is welcome news that Andriod has broken into the market, enabling you to get sexy and user friendly scanning, POD or mobile tracking solutions on either rugged warehouse/in-cab terminals or even your Android Smartphone!
If you’d like to find out more about how we could help you or have an online demo, please get in touch here, or call Lisa on 01827 304104.